Our Classes

We are experienced in working with many injuries, conditions and chronic pain related symptoms. Rehabilitating an injury doesn’t have to be boring.


Your Goals

 Whether you want to move through the day without pain, garden for longer or embark on multi day adventuring,  let us help you build the resilience, adaptability and strength to achieve your goals.

You can view our Terms and Conditions here.


Our Pilates Classes


Initial Assessment

We spend an hour and half to intensely observe your body mechanics.

Private Classes

One on one classes for a high level of detail, precision cueing and personalised workout intensity.

Duo Sessions

Private duo sessions which allow you to train with someone else, with individual tuition remaining the focus.


Semi Private

Semi private sessions where you join two other students with high levels of attention to each participant.

Mat Classes

Group classes. That run on a term block. These are available either in the studio or on line.

At Home

Personalised short videos for you to do at home. 3 x 15 mins. sequences to keep you moving.


 Mat Classes

Group classes. That run on a term block. These are available either in the studio or online.